Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is a cinema of epic proportions. The drama magnified with relentless shots in slow motion and shot over with the best of lenses, super dramatic and magnum cinematography and soulful dialogues. The ego clash between two superheroes and their ultimate friendship and sacrifice, the appearance of the wonder woman to save the world from the creation of a vicious tycoon played to perfection by Jesse Eisenberg is captured in celluloid in probably it's most grandest form. However, the script is a bit Bollywood and overtly theatrical at places which might not appeal to everyone. The soundtrack is smashing and apocalyptic in tune with the goings on around the world today. The effects beyond imagination and should not be experienced anywhere but on IMAX 3D. And yes, Ben, my man….

If only those workout scenes were a few minutes longer ….
